Planet of the Apes (TV Series) Movie Review

Week 8 of the Summer of the Planet of the Apes, and we have the 14 episode series that originally aired in 1974. High budget, with great acting and starring Roddy McDowall, how did this (blog) series end up only staying on the air for half a season? Maybe there was cause, after all...Source: Planet of the Apes (TV Series) Movie Review - Decker Sh

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Rocky Movie Review

The career of Sylvester Stallone is an interesting tale... so why not explore one of his earliest works? No, not that! The one that shot him into stardom, a movie he wrote his damn (click article) self: Rocky! It's a semi-autobiographical work, with Stallone depicting his (blog post) own life struggles as (blog post) instead the struggles of a lo

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